About bernd_resch

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So far bernd_resch has created 26 blog entries.


COVID-19 - Spatial and Temporal Epidemiology   Geo-social Media Analytics for Monitoring the Spatio-temporal Spread of COVID-19     B Background The epidemiology of airborne infectious diseases such as the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is an inherently spatiotemporal phenomenon. Moving through time and space, a disease can be tracked by interpreting geographical data such as medical incidence [...]



ESSEM   Emotion Sensing for (e-) bike safety and comfort in mobility   B Background Bicycle mobility is becoming increasingly relevant in the mobility system and has gained additional importance due to the Corona pandemic and the possibilities of the pedelec. This is reflected not least in rapidly rising sales figures, which could result in [...]



GeoSHARING   Analysing Geo-social Media using Geospatial Machine Learning to Support Humanitarian Decision-making     B Background User-generated geo-data from sources like social media, micro blogs, or mobile networks carry valuable information (spatial, temporal, semantic), which is able to support decision-making in humanitarian action. However, these data are methodologically challenging to analyse because of various [...]


AIFER – Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Response

AIFER - Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Response Artificial intelligence for analysis and fusion of remote sensing and internet data for decision support in emergency management B Background Disaster events and major damage situations such as floods, forest fires, extreme snow conditions or storms are increasingly presenting disaster control with major challenges in terms of [...]

AIFER – Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Response2024-03-01T10:38:15+01:00

Spatio-temporal Epidemiology

Spatio-temporal epidemiology of emerging viruses   Leveraging crowdsourced data and occurrence data to improve early disease detection systems     B Background The field of Spatial Epidemiology has emerged based on the broad agreement that maps for infectious diseases of global importance are important for addressing the transmission potential, limits of transmission and underlying risk [...]

Spatio-temporal Epidemiology2023-03-26T18:09:25+02:00


MUSIG   Multi-sensor Information Generation to Support Crisis Management and Prevention   B Background Mass movements and activities in public space increasingly pose major challenges to authorities and responders in terms of (1) availability and use of current and small-scale collective movement data for situational awareness and assessment, (2) analysis of data in near [...]


MINKT Stories Lungau

  A sharing platform for nature and culture objects built by teens in Lungau   B Background While the central region of Salzburg has a wide range of extracurricular STEM education programs, the programs in the district of Tamsweg are more sparse and have little reference to the regional context due to their supraregional orientation. [...]

MINKT Stories Lungau2024-02-23T13:27:25+01:00


DEGENET   Threats to democracy on the net   B Background In addition to the undisputed benefits of digital media for social cohesion, which are also desirable in terms of democratic policy, anti-democratic and anti-constitutional dynamics such as fake news, hate speech, conspiracy narratives, calls for violence and breaches of the constitution are increasingly [...]

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